



The scoop

Will can spot bad kerning a hundred miles off like a hawk with a laser guided missile system. When he’s not tweaking typography, he’s fine-tuning the next multimedia extravaganza thanks to his background in design, film, animation, programming, and general life-on-the-web way of being. In his downtime he’s pondering ideal VR experience launch points. Oh, and its nice to mention the numerous Webbys, Daveys, and FWA awards he has under his belt. That’s always nice.

I dig what I do

I’m constantly conquering a set of goals, trying to learn something new or simply dreaming up new ideas. I have always wanted to invent something and that desire drives me to stay alert and continue to chase my dreams (and to get a little wacky in the process).

“Goals are dreams
with a deadline.”

― Napoleon Hill

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