Don't make a living. Design a life.

— Anthony Robbins

Listening to Anthony speak in “Awaken the Giant Within” revealed a great line that resonated with me to the core.

“Don’t make a living. Design a life.” — Anthony Robbins

I’ve always had a different approach to life and learning and when I heard this quote I wanted to share as it puts things in perspective. Most people are content to do just enough to keep a job and align with a career path that has been done before. They are ‘making a living’. To ‘design a life’ puts a different lens on it and you look at how you’d like to live, how you want to use your time, what you want to focus on and when. This is is a powerful pivot in the way you approach your life.


Author Will

Will Weyer is designing the future of connected convergence. (Yes, I coined that phrase). Proud to be creating & hanging out in southern California.

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