I couldn’t sleep on any of my flights. Ouch… my head was really hurting by the end. Finally I was at the Amsterdam airport cruising through customs like a pro. Now just awaiting my last flight over to Göteborg so I could reach my final destination.

The flight over was a quick one and I was quite glad to be done with the travel so I could maybe catch some shut eye. I met Gregory, one of secret Swedish team members I’m working with out here, at the terminal and he asked if I wanted to see the town or if I felt like sleept. I CHOOSE THE SLEEP! Luckily, even though it is only 9am here, the hotel has my room ready and allows me to check in.


Set an alarm for 3 hours of sleep time and proceeded to crash.


Author Will

Will Weyer is designing the future of connected convergence. (Yes, I coined that phrase). Proud to be creating & hanging out in southern California.

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